I've worked on scripts for four shorts films that have been produced; 'Exchange', 'The Visible Man', 'Dog's Tooth' & 'Legacy' 


 I wrote and directed this film as part of a 48hr film competition.  


The Visible Man
I co-wrote the script for this film, which was screened in the Apollo Cinema in Leicester Square.

Dog's Tooth
I helped with the script for Dog's Tooth, which was a five minute short film created for a 48hr film competition.

It was short-listed to the final ten and transmitted on the Sci-Fi channel. 







Written by: Aidan Lean, David Smith & Gary Askham



screen grab 

Script Writer &  Producer/Director: David N. Smith
3'10" Short CGI film
Broadcast on Propeller TV
Sometimes, when everyone else tells you it's far too expensive to make a film with giant robots and big explosions,
you just have to go out and prove them wrong.
AUscreen grab